Oral and Aesthetic Rehabilitation

It is the dental specialty responsible for restoring function, aesthetics and harmony to the oral cavity through prosthetic restorations.


Within the range of treatments offered here, we have:


  • Composites: a type of restoration that is performed in the office with plastic materials that are hardened with a special lamp. Its use is indicated in small to medium cavities. They provide excellent aesthetic finishes and have a durability of approximately five years.
  • Ceramic inlays: a type of dental prosthesis made in the laboratoryIndicated by the dentist when it is no longer possible to restore with dental composites, but the damage has not been as extensive as to require a dental crown.
  • Aesthetic crowns: prosthetic restorations made in the laboratory. Indicated when the tooth structure has been severely affected and it is necessary to provide 360 ​​° protection around the tooth.
  • Veneers: very thin ceramic pieces that adhere to the tooth and are used to recreate a natural-looking dental aesthetic. For its placement, the dentist does a minimum remodeling of tooth enamel. This treatment corrects changes in color that whitening cannot improve, teeth with an irregular shape or size, and other imperfections.
Rehabilitación bucal y Estética dental

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