Dental specialists

We are a team of specialists in family dental health. We base our attention on ethics, respect and honesty. We evaluate each particular case and offer the most convenient treatment for each patient.

Specialist team

Marion Ormeño Gómez odontología Endodoncia Interlomas Ciudad de México
Dr. Marion Ormeño Gómez

DDS, Endodontist

Alejandra López
Dr. Alejandra López


Luis Valerio consultorio dental Marion Ormeño Interlomas Ciudad de México
Dr. Luis Valerio

DDS, Prosthetics and Aesthetic Dentistry

Dra. Josmar Sánchez y Dra. Lorena Negrette
Dr. Josmar Sánchez | Dr. Lorena Negrette

DDS, Orthodontist

Carla Fernanda Villasana Odontopediatra México
Dr. Carla Fernanda Villasana

Pediatric Dentist Specialist

Dr Freddy Morón Mora
Dr. Freddy Morón Mora

DDS, Maxillofacial Surgeon

Leonel Gil Kelly consultorio dental Marion Ormeño Interlomas Ciudad de México
Dr. Leonel Gil Kelly

DDS, Periodontics and Implants

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